Ratio Exchange June 2024 Platform Updates
*Private Webinar For Customers Only*

We're doing it again, bigger and better this time.
Explore the latest innovations on the Ratio Exchange platform where innovation meets excitement, where trends are set and boundaries are pushed. From the newest features to the upcoming releases, there's never a dull moment on this dynamic platform. Stay tuned and be prepared to be amazed by what's new, what's hot, what's coming.
Custom Forms
A foundational upgrade! Our new Forms app provides you with the flexibility to create on-demand custom forms that can be deployed in your Ecosystem. No coding required. Onboarding, survey’s, questionnaires, or whatever else you need to engage your Ecosystem, you’re covered. It’s so good that we’re making it a key component for challenges, evaluations, communities, and engagements.
Data Room
Does your team required a private area with the ability to securely share documents inside and outside of your Ecosystem? Well now you can with the introduction of Datarooms. Your data room is completely customizable with multiple folders and controlled access at the room, folder, and document level. Securely share at will!
CRM Integrations
Extensibility and playing well with others is a major thrust in our roadmap and future updates. Enjoy new HubSpot and Constant Contact integration adaptors for new users / contacts with more on the roadmap.
Eco Updates
Our Eco AI engine is growing exponentially! Thank you. We’ve increased the speed of Eco’s response by 50% and continue to integrate and expand Eco’s capabilities and impact across the platform. Eco is now integrated into challenges, search engine optimization, real-time documents analysis, and so much more.
What's on the roadmap for the rest of 2024?
We have amazing users!! We’d like to thank each and everyone one of you for your feedback, ideas, suggestions, and mad scientist discussions. These are at the heart of our operating model and we’re working as fast as we can to implement what you need. Here are a few things that we’re cranking on which will be released soon.
We’re completely overhauling this app. We took a crack at a new app that allows you to engage the market directly but missed the mark on a few things. Look forward a new app that reflects your feedback and suggestions.
Custom Sourcing Channels
Imagine a world where you can create your own secure sourcing channels with your private information that integrates with our sourcing and scouting engine. This is a huge step as it relates to security and privacy but we’re working on it now.
AI Sourcing/Scouting GPT
This is months in the works and expected to be released in BETA in Q3 2024. While we’re proud of the sourcing functionality we have now we’re significantly upgrading this by creating our own AI Sourcing Large Learning Model (LLM) with an intuitive and highly interactive GPT interface that allows you to easily search and navigate through our sourcing data.
Salesforce Integrations
You asked and we listened! Our team is working diligently to expand our CRM integrations to include Salesforce.

We understand this is a lot to absorb. Join us on June 26th at 1300 ET where we’ll walk you through the new functionality, preview a few things in Alpha / BETA, and answer any questions you may have. Click here to sign up!
As always,